Our Services

When you shop with a small business like Whiptails, you get personalised service that you won’t find elsewhere. If you find clothing that you love but you can’t quite get your size, I can create a custom, made-to-order garment just for you. Additionally, to ensure that Whiptails apparel lasts longer, you can send your clothing back for repairs. 

If your sighthound does not fit into any of Whiptails pre-existing sizes, for an additional fee of £10 per item I can make you a custom pattern to make a garment sized to your dogs measurements.

This service is only available to Whiptails customers ordering for sighthounds who fall outside Whiptails size range. 

Custom sizing is not available on the following designs due to being more complex to grade to size:

  • Argo Onesie
  • Peel Coat
  • Rowan Coat

If you are interested in ordering a made-to-measure garment , drop me an e-mail at contact@whiptails.co.uk so we can discuss your needs for fit. I will need to find out some specifics about your sighthound, including breed and extra measurements to determine your fit. I will then send you an invoice with your specifications noted.
The base price for your garment will be the price of the Whiptails size that closest fits your dogs size. Your invoice must be paid before I make your garment. 

To get the most out of your Whiptails clothing, repairs can be made to extend the life of your garments. Get in touch at contact@whiptails.co.uk to see what I can do and get a quote for your repair! 

If you’d like a gift card for a friend, I can make a unique discount code that can be used in the checkout of the Whiptails shop. Please email me at contact@whiptails.co.uk if you would like to purchase one.

Just let me know what value you would like to apply, and your friends email address for sending the code to. You can choose any amount you’d like to apply to the gift card. I will send you an invoice (paypal and card payments accepted) which must be paid before the code is made and sent. 

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